Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi Chris,
yesterday I updated the backend again with more fixes, and released a new version of the app to the Play Store, with many upgrades, removed ads, removed in app purchases, etc.
The previous version of the app will not work correctly with the last version of the backend, because of that, make sure you have the version 72 of the app (you can check the app version it in the contextual menu, info section).
Eventually you will need to erase all the app data and start from skratch, or maybe uninstall the app and install it again.
Please let me know if the app is working better now.
KeymasterHi there!
Today I updated the backend and it seems that the error with the login is fixed now. Could yo try to login?
Please do not pay for any in app purchases for now. In the next days I will publish a new version of the android app without ads and without in app purchases.
Thank you for you message. Indeed, there is some kind of problem regarding the login. I will take a look at it.
At this moment, I’m changing the behaviour of the app and the backend, to remove everything to do with in-app ads, and in-app purchases.
From the next version, the app will be free and will not have any kind of ads or in-app purchases.
It is possible that because of this it may take a little longer to resolve the bug you have reported. Please give me a few days of margin.
KeymasterThank you for your feedback. I will be honest to you, I’m not working on this project right now. But If I resume the work on this project in the future, I will implement this feature.
KeymasterHi there,
I have reviewed how the app works (I developed it a long time ago and don’t remember every detail), and I’m sorry to inform you that the programs are deleted when the nodes are scaned again. I suppose you in the meanwhile you scanned for new nodes.
You will have to configure them again, sorry for the inconvenience.
R. Campos
I’m glad it worked.
The programs profiles are saved to the cloud on your profile. Please, double-check that you are login in with the same Google account that you used when creating the programs. If you are unsure which account you used, please contact me with a private message, and we can have a look at it.
thank you again for the feedback. I did a little bit of debugging, and found an error on the server-side, causing the app not to be able to communicate correctly with the server.
May you clear all the data of the app (or reinstall) again, and login again? Let’s see if the fix has been of any help.
If it doesn’t work, please provide the Android version you are installing the app on.
Thank you in advance.
KeymasterHi there!
May you try to clear all the data related to the app? Uninstalling the app and installing it again should work too.
After that, please login again with your google account, and look if the QR code is displayed.
Please let me know if this works. If it works (it should work), maybe this problem appear again in the future. In the case if appears again in the future, would you let me know?
KeymasterVaya, gracias por la información. Supongo que tendré que actualizar la versión minima de la app a Android 5 o 6.
Un saludo
KeymasterHola Tato,
fijate que sigo sin creer que sea de la version de android que tienes en el movil.
¿Por que no pruebas a descargarte esta version de la app, que me manda un informe con los errores, a ver si pillamos el problema?
Un saludo
KeymasterHola de nuevo:
estoy tardando un poco mas de lo esperado en modificar la app para que pase el filtro de la play store. La verdad es que no se muy bien que les ha molestado de la app, por eso estoy dando palos de ciego a ver con alguna de las mejoras que hago suena la flauta y la vuelven a publicar.
Mientras tanto, podeis descargarla de este enlace:
KeymasterHola Javier,
no deberia ser culpa de tu movil “servidor” ni deberias tener que actualizar nada. Habia un error en el servidor de la app, que he corregido durante el fin de semana.
Prueba lo siguiente:
– en el movil servidor, le das a buscar nodos, los encuentras de nuevo y todo eso.
– los moviles clientes, los desconectas del termostato, y los vuelves a conectar con el codigo QR.Y todo deberia funcionar de nuevo.
Ya me cuentas.
KeymasterHi Chris,
glad that it worked out. I will fix the app one of these days, and upload it to the store again.
R. Campos
I was able to reproduce the issue, and fix it. I uploaded the hotfix a couple of hours ago to the server.
Interestingly, this error is not related with the server migration. It was only a coincidence.
Please, reset your thermostat by searching the nodes again. Then it should work. In worst case, you will need to logout and login from all your connected devices.
Let me know if it worked or not.
KeymasterHi There,
don’t reload the sketches, the problem has to be on the server. I will take a look a it as soon as possible.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
R. Campos.