Unknown error

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  • #1751
    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    I got the problem solved at my side.
    Fidling around I have taken another android mobile phone as master which works fine now also with the clients.
    The old mobile phone after removing the thermostat app would not connect to google play anymore to download the app.



    Hi again,

    My apologies for not being able to fix your problem.

    Could you share with me the android version of the old phone, where the app does not work anymore?

    Thanks in advance.

    Frans de HaanFrans de Haan

    Hello, got the same error sinds two? weeks. Thermostat works okay but I also get the “unknown error happened” popup.

    Device is an Samsung tablet Galaxy Tab 4, Model SM-T530 and Android version 5.0.2

    Greetings Frans

    Frans de HaanFrans de Haan

    Damn picture size 🙂

    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    I thought all worked fine.
    Another android mobile device.
    Runs version 73.
    Boost mode works fine and instantly the heater is switched ON.
    But program runs but when roomtemp is lower as setpoint of the program the heater does not switch ON.
    New google account created and used.
    Set up as master on Samsung Galaxy Tab a10.
    Same problem.
    Boost works fine.
    Program does not activate the heater when roomtemp is below setpoint.
    This is tested with standard active program with setpoint lowered to 15 degrees and then saved and exit.


    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    Version number.

    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    Version 73 and IP address shown is according to the stats.
    But this IP address is not responding.
    When I check on the previous known IP address I nicely get the correct data…

    “relay_high”: “0”,
    “relay_high_level”: “1”,
    “wifi_ssi”: “-47”

    What am I missing? 😉


    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Paco RaapPaco Raap.

    Please take a look at the following thread:

    Important: Fixes for unstable version 73

    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    Good day,

    Unknown error appeared again.
    Master en clients are all on Version 80.
    I cant set the programs either.
    In manual mode the relay only switched on.
    It must be a server error.

    Thanks, Paco

    Paco RaapPaco Raap

    OK, After some troubleshooting I uninstalled the app from all 4 devices master and client.
    When app is installed newly and the question is asked if you want thermostat or client I choose thermostat.
    I have to press the Google login button and then it shows “unknown error happened”.
    It happens on all the Android devices when set up for thermostat and which are running Android 4+ software.


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